Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Face to Face free essay sample

Were living in an age where e-mail, Facebook and digital connections are the rule, and face-to-face interactions start to become the exception. With the ability to exchange information via e-mail, chat and presentations over the web, face-to-face interactions with people seem to be unecessary. This is a harmful assumption that many people make. Without face-to-face communication intimacy is lost, there is greater misunderstanding, and people become lazy. To beegin with, people lose intimacy with one another because of the many forms of communication. You can certainly build and foster relationships over digital connections, but in my experience, the first time you meet a person face-to-face you develope a new level of fimiliarity. You can reveal interesting details about someone that may not be uncovered through digital communication. I have met many different people through the interenet and through phone calls, but once i met them in person, it changed the whole dynamic of the relationship. We will write a custom essay sample on Face to Face or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For example, a Facebook friend recently asked me to meet up with him. Although we seemingly had many things in common on Facebook, in reality we were completely different from each other. Secondly, without face-to-face communication, people get misunderstood a most of the time. Its hard to notice emotions, facial expressions, body languages, and tone of voice in an e-mail or text despite our attempts to give hints with various emoticons like punctuations, winking smiley faces, and acronyms like LOL. Sometimes, the attitude or intention behind the words is lost in translation leading to misunderstanding occurs. Shy people may come off as cold; people with little to say may come off as rude, and funny people may come off as insensitive. Ive been in a stitution were me and a friend where having a converstaion through text and I replied with an ok. She thought I was upset and being rude because she felt as if I didnt want to talk to her. This, of course, was not the case. If we had this conversation in person, she would have seen my body language and known what i meant by my response. Lastly, digital communication like e-mail, Facebook, and texting are some of the easiest and simplest forms of communication these days. Communication with technology creates laziness. There has been an incident where i was in a car with a few of my friends and two of them were exting while they wher sitting right next to eachother. When I asked why they were texting right beside eachother, one of the girls responded that she didnt feel like talking. I thought that was ridiculous! People are so caught up in the technology that they forget that they are human and not an electronic device themselves! In conclusion, face-to-face interaction are completely different from elecrtonic communication. Peaple who use electronic comunication lose intimacy, and are often misunderstood, and become lazier. The best form of communication is face-to-face, and it has always been since the beginning of time.

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